
I was listening to a podcast the other day that does a dip dive on episodes of The Golden Girls. The particular episode they were discussing featured a scene where Sophia was accused of “pilfering cheeseballs”. The hosts had never HEARD of cheeseballs and one of them began reading Google descriptions of it. The podcasters…

All I Ate For Christmas-2023 Edition

Hey friends! Happy New Year! If you’ve been around for awhile, you know I usually do an end of the holiday season review of recipes that I made or tried. I enjoy looking back at these and I know that some of you enjoy reading them as well. I’m running a little late on getting…

Hot Dog Chili

People in Appalachia love a good hot dog and that hot dog has to have chili. In fact, we love the chili so much that we don’t care if there’s an actual dog on that bun or not. We’ll eat just chili and a bun and call it a chili bun. In many rural areas,…

Minda Minda, How Does Your Garden Grow?

I’ve written before that I grew up enjoying garden fresh vegetables from our family garden. My parents both worked full time outside the home but still managed to raise a large garden each year. My mom would can green beans, tomato juice, corn relish, etc. Now as an adult, I wonder how they managed it…

Instant Pot Country Style Green Beans

I love fresh green beans in the summertime. It brings back so many memories of delicious meals made from fresh vegetables from our family garden. Green beans, new potatoes, fresh corn…always served with cornbread and a green onion on the side. I give my husband a hard time about being a picky eater but thankfully,…

The Family Punch Recipe

Last week, my husband and I hosted Thanksgiving for my family. It was our first time to play host and I was both nervous and excited since Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. The evening before Turkey Day, my husband nonchalantly said “We should make punch!” Now, I’m not a big fan of punch of any…

Easy Caramel Frosting

This is a quick and easy caramel frosting recipe that everyone should have tucked up their sleeve for when a cake hankering strikes. My mom has been making it for years and it’s a particular favorite of my dad’s. And he’s not the only one who loves it. When my niece was small, she would…

Old Fashioned Banana Pudding

Let me start by saying that I have standards for banana pudding. And it’s all because of this recipe right here. My mom has been making this banana pudding my whole life and it’s spoiled me to any other. It’s a simple recipe really but it brings a ton of flavor. For a long time,…

Fried Potatoes

To me, a meal that says Appalachia like no other is soup beans, fried potatoes and cornbread. I hadn’t posted a recipe for fried potatoes before because I wasn’t sure I could come up with that much to say. But then I thought, this is me we are taking about. I can always find something…