
I was listening to a podcast the other day that does a dip dive on episodes of The Golden Girls. The particular episode they were discussing featured a scene where Sophia was accused of “pilfering cheeseballs”. The hosts had never HEARD of cheeseballs and one of them began reading Google descriptions of it. The podcasters…

Hot Dog Chili

People in Appalachia love a good hot dog and that hot dog has to have chili. In fact, we love the chili so much that we don’t care if there’s an actual dog on that bun or not. We’ll eat just chili and a bun and call it a chili bun. In many rural areas,…

Slow Cooker Beef Tips

This recipe is all over the internet with various names and cooking methods. I first discovered a variation of it in Magnolia Table a few years ago. My husband had often mentioned the awesome beef roast that his grandmother made for Sunday dinner when he was growing up. I tried several different tricks and recipes…

Easy Slow Cooker Ravioli

I saw this meal on Instagram a couple of weeks ago and was so excited to try it (thank you @healthyeats_amberleigh). Then we all get sick. And even with feeling crappy and having a reduced appetite, I kept thinking about this dish. So, I put the ingredients in my Wal-Mart Plus cart so I’d be…

California Chicken Salad

California Chicken Salad is a recipe that I’ve been making for almost twenty years. I can’t believe I didn’t have it on my site before now! I’ve made this chicken salad for a wedding reception, a bridal shower and numerous other events. I don’t make it enough for myself though. It’s a delicious lunch especially…

Stripe It Rich Cake

I’ve written before about my confusion when my husband spoke of “cake with pudding on top”. While I finally did figure out the art of the Poke Cake, I did mistakenly think this cake was called “Strike It Rich” for about 15 years. It wasn’t until I saw a Pinterest post with a copy of…

The Family Punch Recipe

Last week, my husband and I hosted Thanksgiving for my family. It was our first time to play host and I was both nervous and excited since Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. The evening before Turkey Day, my husband nonchalantly said “We should make punch!” Now, I’m not a big fan of punch of any…

Pumpkin Patch Squares

I am one of those people who love pumpkin spice dessert and these Pumpkin Patch Squares are definitely a favorite! They are super easy and oh-so-yummy. These squares make a delicious breakfast with your morning coffee or a tasty afternoon snack with some cold milk. Let’s get to it! Pumpkin Patch Squares 2 cups all…

Southwest Salad in a Jar

You’ve probably seen jar salads shared on social media over the years and wondered “Does anyone actually make these?” I have made several over the years and this one is a favorite. Even my husband who isn’t a fan of chicken likes this one and requests it for lunch. You don’t have to put it…

Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

These cookies were a go-to recipe for me for many years. I think I sort of burned myself out on them, to be honest, and I went many years without making them. The recipe crossed my mind recently and I realized I’d never put it on the blog. And it definitely deserves a spot. Like…