Easy Caramel Frosting

This is a quick and easy caramel frosting recipe that everyone should have tucked up their sleeve for when a cake hankering strikes. My mom has been making it for years and it’s a particular favorite of my dad’s. And he’s not the only one who loves it. When my niece was small, she would…

Old Fashioned Banana Pudding

Let me start by saying that I have standards for banana pudding. And it’s all because of this recipe right here. My mom has been making this banana pudding my whole life and it’s spoiled me to any other. It’s a simple recipe really but it brings a ton of flavor. For a long time,…

Yeast Rolls

I’m not too proud to admit that baking with yeast intimidates me. My first efforts at making yeast bread were pretty much a flop so I avoided any recipe that called for yeast. I decided I just didn’t have the touch for making bread. When I received Magnolia Table Volume 2, I couldn’t help but…

Donna’s Hearts of Palm Dip

There’s just something special about a handwritten recipe. I always enjoy pilfering through my mom’s recipe box and looking at the various recipes that she collected over the years. Some were written by her, probably copied from a magazine or newspaper article, and some were written for her by other people. In my own collection,…

Fried Potatoes

To me, a meal that says Appalachia like no other is soup beans, fried potatoes and cornbread. I hadn’t posted a recipe for fried potatoes before because I wasn’t sure I could come up with that much to say. But then I thought, this is me we are taking about. I can always find something…

Skinny Biscuits

I’ve done WW on and off for the past 16 years, and when I rejoined the most recent time in 2018, “two ingredient dough” was all the rage. I’m not sure who created the idea (and not sure anyone knows) but the premise is simple: make a dough using fat free Greek yogurt and self-rising…

4th of July Recap

4th of July is a laid back holiday. We really don’t have any steadfast traditions so that allows us to go with the flow. This year my 6 year old son asked if we could have a party. We’ve been social distancing and basically in isolation since mid-March. So it definitely seemed like a party…

Orange Poke Cake

Once during early time together, my husband asked if I’d ever made a cake with pudding on top instead of frosting. I had not but was game to try it. So I did, I made a cake with prepared pudding on top. And it wasn’t bad, I mean, it was cake with pudding but I…

Cookbook Review: Magnolia Table Volume 2

It’s no secret, I LOVED Joanna Gaines’ first cookbook, Magnolia Table. I’ve made tons of stuff from it and am continuing to cook my way through it. (You can read my full review here-recently updated with more pictures.) So you are probably not surprised to hear that I pre-ordered Volume 2 so I’d have it…

Country Fruit Salad

Growing up, this fruit salad was always on the table for Christmas dinner. I think it might have been the only day of the year that we had it. I hadn’t thought about it in years until last year when I was hosting my annual Christmas lunch for my family. I asked my mom for…