Broccoli Casserole 

Hey everyone! I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Turkey Day is probably my favorite holiday. I mean, what’s not to love about a holiday that’s all about food. And thankfulness. And more food. It’s pretty awesome. We always spend Thanksgiving with my family. My mom is a wonderful cook and I look…

Frito Salad

Kentucky is definitely a basketball state but we’re not immune to some football madness either. By virtue of marrying a football fan, I’ve become accustomed to the NFL being the backdrop to our Sundays. The first year that we were married we bought season tickets for Eastern Kentucky University’s football games. I’m an EKU alum…

Apple Pie

This is my mom’s apple pie recipe. It’s pretty simple and just perfect in my opinion. I know many people prefer the tart taste of Granny Smith apples for their apple pies but I like a sweeter apple like Red Delicious. If you go apple picking this fall, ask your apple farmer for a recommendation.…

Fried Cabbage

It’s a cliche in Appalachian/Southern cooking that we fry everything. And while it’s true that most traditional country cooks believe in frying first and asking questions later, many times the word “fried” simply means it was prepared in a frying pan. Such is the case with Fried Cabbage. While the name conjures up images of…

Paul Newman Cake

Chocolate cake filled with gooey caramel and topped off with crushed candy bar, Paul Newman cake is simply irresistible…just like its namesake! Long before we had recipe blogs or social media or even Food Network, recipes made the rounds the old fashioned way-by being handed off to friends, family, co-workers, or anyone else who might…