The Art of Doing Yoga In The Rain

The year is more than half over now and Summer is drawing to a close at a rapid clip. This is my least favorite time of year. It’s hot and dry and nothing wants to grow except weeds. Although he likes school (or claims to), I’m always sad to send my son back so all…

In All The Old Familiar Places

A few months ago, I celebrated my 20 year work anniversary. Two decades at the same place. Honestly, one minute you’re the fresh faced babe who drives the hot Camaro in the parking lot and the next minute, you’re the dowager giving unsolicited recollections and advice. The upside of staying in one place for so…

All I Ate For Christmas-2023 Edition

Hey friends! Happy New Year! If you’ve been around for awhile, you know I usually do an end of the holiday season review of recipes that I made or tried. I enjoy looking back at these and I know that some of you enjoy reading them as well. I’m running a little late on getting…

Minda Minda, How Does Your Garden Grow?

I’ve written before that I grew up enjoying garden fresh vegetables from our family garden. My parents both worked full time outside the home but still managed to raise a large garden each year. My mom would can green beans, tomato juice, corn relish, etc. Now as an adult, I wonder how they managed it…

What’s Up Wednesday-April Edition

Hey everyone! I’m super excited to be linking up with Sheaffer Told Me To and Mix & Match Mama for their monthly What’s Up Wednesday feature. This post was so fun for me to write and I hope you enjoy hearing about what’s going on in the Minda’s Cooking world. What We Are Eating I’ve…

When Things Go Wrong In The Kitchen…

If you follow me on the socials (@mindascooking), you may have seen that last Saturday I took on a recipe that had been in my mom’s recipe box for 50 years: Mudge’s Favorite White Cake. As I explained in the post, it’s not clear who Mudge was so her judgement of cakes can’t be known…

What’s Up Wednesday

My favorite-est blogger Sheaffer Told Me To hosts a monthly What’s Up Wednesday link-up that I plan to join soon. This is kind of a trial run for me. Let me know what you think! What I’m Eating With Summer approaching, I’ve been in a salad mode. I made some jar salads recently and even…

2021 Word of the Year

Photo by Lum3n from Pexels-Thank you for the absolute perfect image! Hey y’all! How you doing? How’s your mom and them? I’m a little late posting my goals for the new year. As I’ve mentioned before, my birthday is two weeks after New Year’s Day so I feel like I get sort of a 14 day trial period…