Aunt T’s 3 Cheese Cheeseball

I love cheese ball. Cheese ball is very popular in this area and shows up often at get togethers of all sorts. It’s especially likely to be seen during the holidays. This particular recipe is one that my sister-in-law (known as Aunt T to my son) makes each year for our Christmas Eve festivities. It’s…

Hot Crab Dip

Fall is perhaps finally here in Kentucky! To me, this is the start of the holiday season because it seems like we go from putting out pumpkins to Christmas trees in like 2.0 seconds. Today, I’m sharing a terrific hot dip that’s perfect for any get together at any time of year. It’s always been…

Peach Salsa

Peaches are one of my favorite farmers market finds! I love fresh peaches in the summer and grocery store peaches ALWAYS disappoint. This week, I picked up a few peaches and thought to myself, “Some peach salsa would be great!” I said this having 1) never made peach salsa or 2) never eaten peach salsa.…

Chinese Pasta Salad

The origin of this recipe is one of the oldest and most well worn in my collection. I found it in a magazine in the early 90s. It was in an ad for Miracle Whip Salad Dressing and was called Chinese Chicken Salad. It was probably the recipe that introduced soy sauce to my household.…

Hershey Syrup Cake

This cake doesn’t photograph well. Bless its heart, I can relate. I didn’t even try to do a step by step photo spread because it didn’t seem necessary. And I didn’t think that either the chocolate batter or chocolate frosting would show up well. This one of the recipes that I swiped from my mom’s…

Pea Salad

Pea Salad is one of those great side salads that you often see on salad bars in these parts. (The really good salad bars, you know, that have like a dozen varieties of creamy, fatty salads.) I’ve always been a fan but then I’m also a fan of peas. And salad. So pea salad is…

Broccoli Casserole 

Hey everyone! I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Turkey Day is probably my favorite holiday. I mean, what’s not to love about a holiday that’s all about food. And thankfulness. And more food. It’s pretty awesome. We always spend Thanksgiving with my family. My mom is a wonderful cook and I look…

Frito Salad

Kentucky is definitely a basketball state but we’re not immune to some football madness either. By virtue of marrying a football fan, I’ve become accustomed to the NFL being the backdrop to our Sundays. The first year that we were married we bought season tickets for Eastern Kentucky University’s football games. I’m an EKU alum…