Minda's Cooking

Goals for 2020

Happy New Year!

Are you one of those “new year, new me, new beginnings” enthusiasts or is today just another day for you? I’ll admit I’m a sucker for goals and challenges so I always enjoy the energy that comes with New Year’s Day. My birthday is two week from today so I always feel like my new year actually starts then and I have two weeks of “practice” to get my goals up and running.

One of my favorite bloggers, Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom, used to set yearly goals and check-in at the beginning of each month on how she was doing. I loved reading those posts (you can see one here) and would always wish that I’d done something similar. Although she is not doing it this year, (she’s doing weekly goals instead) I decided to give it a try. It’s a departure from my normal posts but about half of it is food related so I hope you don’t mind.

So here we go…my goals for 2020!

  1. Get back on the fitness/wellness track. I could write an entire post on this but basically I want to get back into a healthy lifestyle. I typically do great in the early parts of the year then stumble in fall. I don’t think that’s unusual but I want to get back on track. I will be 43 this year. I have an active 6 year old boy to keep up with so I want to be in the best shape possible to keep up with him. And truth be told, when I’m eating better and exercising, I just FEEL better. In short, my plan is to watch my calories, get active, drink more water and stay consistent with my supplements.
  2. Read 30 books. This is pretty much an annual goal that I usually am able to meet. I hit it on the nose for 2019. Maybe if I hit it again, I’ll bump it up.
  3. Read 6 faith based/spiritual type books this year. I enjoy reading faith based books (I love Joyce Meyer) but I tend to read nonfiction very slow so I get bogged down. I also really enjoy Women Living Well’s Bible studies but I struggle to stick with them. This year I’d like to complete six books or studies.
  4. No social media from 5pm to 8pm. I’ve already set up the Downtime feature in my phone to make this happen.
  5. Weekly meal plans/prep. When I meal plan, even if it’s fairly generic, the week goes smoother. I know this yet I still struggle to do it. I’m better about Sunday prepping but I need to be more consistent.
  6. Try one new recipe per month. I have hundreds of recipes Pinned and I need to actually make some of them. I do try a lot of new recipes but I tend to try things I see on Instagram or a cookbook rather than looking back at my boards. Time to get cooking.
  7. Blog one new recipe per month. Speaking of cooking, I need to spend more time getting content on my little blog here as well.
  8. Develop and stick with a house cleaning plan. This is huge and is something I really want to pull off this year. Right now my house is reasonably clean.  Of course, we are still on break. I need an action plan to maintain the calmness that comes with a clean house.
  9. Find a tv show that I like to watch. Watching more tv might seem like a weird goal but I’ve never been a big tv watcher. I’d like to find something I can settle into during my down time and enjoy.
  10. Send a written card to someone each month. There are those people who still send written cards for various occasions. I’m not one of them. I want to be.

So there you have it! I’ll share an update each month on how I’m doing. Feel free to post your goals below and follow along with me!

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