
I was listening to a podcast the other day that does a dip dive on episodes of The Golden Girls. The particular episode they were discussing featured a scene where Sophia was accused of “pilfering cheeseballs”. The hosts had never HEARD of cheeseballs and one of them began reading Google descriptions of it. The podcasters…

Hot Dog Chili

People in Appalachia love a good hot dog and that hot dog has to have chili. In fact, we love the chili so much that we don’t care if there’s an actual dog on that bun or not. We’ll eat just chili and a bun and call it a chili bun. In many rural areas,…

Instant Pot Country Style Green Beans

I love fresh green beans in the summertime. It brings back so many memories of delicious meals made from fresh vegetables from our family garden. Green beans, new potatoes, fresh corn…always served with cornbread and a green onion on the side. I give my husband a hard time about being a picky eater but thankfully,…

Fried Potatoes

To me, a meal that says Appalachia like no other is soup beans, fried potatoes and cornbread. I hadn’t posted a recipe for fried potatoes before because I wasn’t sure I could come up with that much to say. But then I thought, this is me we are taking about. I can always find something…

Salmon Patties

Salmon Patties are one of my very favorite Appalachian foods. Fresh salmon wasn’t something that was available in grocery stores in the area that I grew up and I don’t think I’m alone when I say my first experience with salmon was the canned variety. I always loved when my mom would fix Salmon Patties,…

Wilted Salad (Killed Lettuce)

Although the calendar says that Summer is still about a month away, here in Kentucky, it feels like it’s well under way. Due to an unseasonably mild winter, schools are finishing up for the year. My Facebook feed is full of graduations, awards days,  and proms. Summer is a wonderful time to be a foodie…

Soup Beans

No food represents Appalachian cooking more than the humble pinto bean. Known as soup beans to most of us around here, these yummy legumes are filling,  affordable, and easily stored which made them an excellent choice for our ancestors who passed this dish down generation after generation. As a child, I alternated between eating them…